We enjoyed a lovely field trip to Wild Nephin National Park on March 6th '24.
Thank you to the staff at Ballycroy Visitor Centre for their hospitality, especially Michael and Robin our tour guides for the day. We learned that the national park is particularly know for its blanket bog habitats that contain fascinating species of plants and animals. Firstly Michael took us on a guided walk around the trail. We learned that there are 16 bird species that are protected in the area of the National Park, also we learned of the importance of Sphagnum moss, (did you know it can hold up to 25 times its weight) . We also found some Reindeer Lichen, Gorse, peat, and many types of heathers. We learned that there was once a giant named 'Dáithí' in the area. Later we went to the outdoor classroom where we viewed stuffed animals and insects that are found in the park . Next up was one of the highlights of the day, we went pond fishing. We found a Whirligig Beetle, some tadpoles, a Dragonfly Nymph and a water Boatman. We got to see a field mouse , and partook in a craft activity before we set off for school.